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So I Make Mistakes. What’s the Bid Deal?

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Everyone Makes Mistakes

No one can avoid making mistakes forever. Let’s face it. The only way to avoid making mistakes is to do absolutely nothing. You must become a potato. Ok there are other options like squash.

But who wants to be a vegetable.

We crave fresh excitement.

We have things we want to do.

For that you have to be willing to make some errors.

It is OK to make mistakes. There is no need to excuse yourself. The fallacy I caught myself making is that in order for something to work it must be perfect.  The truth is it just has to be good enough that you can take pride in it. The best way I’ve found to do this is setting reasonable deadlines for myself.

Perfection is boring anyway. Think about it. How would you feel going into everything knowing you could do it without effort? It would be cool at first.  But, think of a task you can do now without thinking. Doesn’t it get Monotonous? The “same” of anything gets old.


Mistakes do not Dictate Whether You Achieve Your Goals

A mistake is just a RESULT of an action.   Action dictates whether you achieve goals. You hear this all the time in the self help circle. Consistent Action.
Consistent Action. Consistent Action.

Why is that?

A goal is a collection of results.  Results tell you how to proceed. In order to get results you have to do something.

The only difference between a mistake and a favorable result,
is the direction you head next. If you make a mistake, then that means correct your course. Not Stop and beat yourself up.
You are a human. The mistakes are going to happen.

Now you may have some negative feelings about making an error. That’s OK. Again we’re human. But, you DO NOT in any way, shape, or form abuse yourself for it.
You can have your feelings without beating on yourself. One more thing to keep in mind.. Don’t dwell on those feelings. Move on as QUICK as possible.


Mistakes are a Tool for Growth

They are a great teacher.


If you have come across a book called Psycho Cybernetics, you’ll know that one of the ways information shapes us is if it comes from an authoritative source.
Results coupled with emotion delivers information to the brain with authority. I mean what has more control over us than our own emotions. Right?

So the information learned from mistakes tends to stick. Now the disclaimer is that you must learn to derive lessons from mistakes that affect you for the better.  This is because the lesson is going to stay with you.  Good or Bad.

You’ve got to own your mistakes.

If you ignore or cast them aside as non existent, then you can’t benefit from any of the perks above. You may even repeat the mistake.
I have an opinion on why we try to avoid mistakes. It’s this idea of perfection. Things do not have to be perfect
to function satisfactorily.

By owning your mistakes you can focus energy on solutions rather than crafting a cover story.


Becoming comfortable with mistakes is key to achieving a goal.

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